I "received" TWO calls from Barbara Bush last night!!!   Maybe it's just
outside the City limits phones that get that call!

-----Original Message-----
From: Steve Minn [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, November 06, 2000 1:44 PM
To: Multiple recipients of list
Subject: Automated dialing

Many thanks to Mr. Pierson for posting the statute regarding automated 
dialing, but a correction is necessary regarding illegality.

The statute is primarily intended for commercial marketing purposes, not
restriction of free speech expression.  I doubt the statute meets a
constitutional test on the free speech doctrine, let alone the
jurisdictional question for President. US Senate or Congress.  He may have a
point for state races, but then again, there's that nagging free speech
doctrine. Most candidates who were warned about this have decided to go
ahead anyway, primarily because of this basic constitutional protection.

In any event, I have done this type of calling myself in past campaigns, and
it is very cost effective.  It is particularly good if run during the day,
when people are not home.  The recorded message left on voice mail or
answering machines can not be discerned as anything less than an actual

Interestingly, though it was the DFL party and DFL Atty. General Mike Hatch
who complained to the Foley (4th CD) Campaign about the Ventura calls a few
weeks ago, it is the DFL that is making calls from "President Clinton" and
"Al Gore" throughout the Metro and in particular, Minneapolis.

Steve Minn

>From: "Darren Pierson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: Multiple recipients of list <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: Jessie knows my number!
>Date: Mon, Nov 6, 2000, 12:55 PM

> These automated dialing calls are against the law.  I think many campaigns
> have been advised to cease this activity, but obviously it's continuing
> others.  Here is the statute number and web site to view the actual
> language...
> Be advised, if your campaign is taking part in this activity, they are
> breaking the law...
> 325E.27
> http://www.revisor.leg.state.mn.us/stats/325E/27.html
> Cheers!
> Darren Pierson
> St. Paul-Ward 1
>>From: "R.T.Rybak" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>To: Multiple recipients of list <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Subject: Jessie knows my number!
>>Date: Mon, 6 Nov 2000 11:39:43 -0600
>>I just got a call from Jesse Ventura.  Well, actually it was a RECORDED
>>call...on behalf of the Independence legislative candidate in my area. I
>>found it interesting that the Indepdence Party is working harder in this
>>race, it seems, than the Republicans.
>>I also saw evidence of that this weekend when I was leafleting for Neva
>>Walker, and found lots of Independence literature on doorsteps...but none
>>for Republicans.
>>It is list-appropriate to ask what other tactics people are seeing to turn
>>out city voters?
>>R.T. Rybak
>>East Harriet.
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