I really find it hard to believe that someone went to Kinkos to have ballots 
printed!  That's bizarre.  I really think the Director of Elections for the 
City should be involved in responding to some of these issues.  I have worked 
in the Elections Department on election day and know that all precinct people 
are told to go to the Elections Department for any problems - such as 
inoperating machines, ballots, etc.  In no instance should the workers take 
it upon themselves to do something like print ballots at Kinkos.  I worked in 
the Department when we had our last election for Governor.  That was 
something!  Huge turnouts because of Ventura.  We did everything we could to 
make sure no polling place was short of ballots, had operating machines, and 
received everything else they needed.  I'm sure there may have been 
complaints from some places that were not responded to, but very few.

Karen Collier
Linden Hills

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