If those were meant to be privacy folders, they aren't
very good ones.  

When I voted the booths were full and I had to sit at
an open 8 foot table in the middle of the room to
vote.  Then the election helper took my ballot out of
the folder and put it through the machine for me
because the machine was being touchy.   

I have to believe these little infractions happen
regularly and all over the country.  Normally they
haven't been raised because the usual outcome is that
one candidate generally beats the other candidate
soundly enough that it wouldn't change the outcome.

But here we are in the first election year of our new
millenium and all Hell has broken loose, at least in
Florida. The closeness of the election outcome has
spurred conversations around every water cooler in
town and through out the nation regarding all the
little irregularities that occured during this
election process.

I know once the supposed outcome is determined and
released to the public, every possible conspiracy
theororist that exists will continue to cast
aspersions about the validity of the election process.

I just hope and pray the we aren't sitting around our
Thanksgiving tables talking about who our next
president will be.

Barb Lickness
Ward 6  

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