I'm from a small rural town of 1100 great people.  I moved to the city for
the possibilities and I have stayed for the possibilities.

Many of my relatives and friends have moved out of the city or would not
move into the city.  I think they have a clear understanding of what is
going on in Minneapolis and I don't believe their vision of us has been
inflamed.  To say so, is to underestimate people I love and respect deeply.
There is one major reason they aren't here - fear of crime.  And let's face
it, they are right.  Since I bought my house in the Standish neighborhood
six years ago we've had the following: our video store on the other end of
the block was torched by an arsonist, our local gas station had a child
abuser arrested by the FBI, a level three sex offender was mishandled by the
police department, two thieves smashed into my van in a stolen car, three
vehicles have been vandalized, I caught a thief at 2am breaking into my
neighbor's car in front of my house, three bikes stolen, Christmas lights
ripped of our trees outside every holiday,  drunk kids smashed into my
neighbor's car and fence, I've found drug paraphernalia in my alley, there
is graffiti all over the place, we had a man operating an illegal business
out of his house, I and my neighbors have been personally threatened without
any action by the city attorney, and my house was cheese and crackered (and
I'm not making that up either).

It is the inner city vision we have of ourselves that accepts a minimum
level of crime among other things as being o.k. that causes us to be seen in
such a poor light.  It is what we have done to ourselves or the lack of what
we have done which is important, not what people in the suburbs or rural
areas do, don't do, or think.  It isn't about them - it is about us.  And it
isn't about looking like the suburbs - ala development.  It is about
providing superior services, reducing all criminal activity, repairing our
infrastructure so we don't look so poorly, and about bringing our people
together beyond creating a system for professional volunteers.  It is about
creating a new energy, pride and spirit in our city that can transform the
mediocrity.  And that isn't about our bond rating.

Russell W. Peterson
Ward 9

R  U S S E L L   P E T E R S O N   D E S I G N
"You can only fly if you stretch your wings."

Russell W. Peterson, RA, CID

3857 23rd Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55407


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