
> Please explain how you handle voter identification, secret ballots
> and recounts.

Lots of ideas, but I see no way to make the voting secure
without some invasion of privacy (fingerprints, retinal
scan, voice print)

I would like to see Touch Screens that respond to the vote.
For example the selection becomes bold and other are grayed

Use smart cards instead of paper ballot, everything else the
same.  Insert the card and get to vote, ballot is printed
and deposited by voter same as now.  Need fancy voting
booth, but nothing as complicated as those old booths where
one had to flip all the switches.

The only difference is that the problems are caught while
the voter is still in the room and can fix the problem.
That works pretty well now, but could use some improvement.
One could even have help screens available for the ballot.

More important is what to do about the Judges that no one
knows anything about.  Lets just appoint them since the
election seems so random and incumbents nearly always win


DeWayne Townsend

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