our list manager stated in a posting that the strib
editorial board was fair game on mpls. issues. so...

we were treated to a double dose of political speak on
the editorial pages of the strib this morning. i'm an
old wrestling fan myself, pre ventura and wwf, and
there was nothing i liked better than watching the
girls/ladies/women mix it up in the ring and today was
a real bonus with the girls/ladies/women dfl tag teams
of cherryhomes/campbell and saylesbelton/johnson.

saylesbelton/johnson were the headliners providing
counterpoint to whom i'm not sure unless it was the
group that gathered outside city hall last thursday
protesting the death of alfred sanders. i suppose they
must feel vulnerable. why? 

certainly a police department and city that has
studied the issue of the use of deadly force used
against mentally ill citizens since 1986 cannot be
held accountable for the murder of alfred sanders not
to mention barbara schneider, rocco d'andrea, and
others lost in the mists of time.

certainly a police department that has seen its budget
rise to $90 million dollars and become 40% of the
city's operating budget cannot be held responsible for
failing to shake loose a few dollars for training when
faced with the need to purchase a robot to combat the
hordes of terrorists planting pipe bombs throughout
our war torn metropolis. can we say tahini? can we say

the public safety and regulatory services committee is
forever accepting federal grants to send mpd police
officers to quantico for fbi field training for one
thing and another but never it seems for training in
how to deal with mentally ill people. do they even
have that training at the fbi, dea, etc.? if waco is
any indication i suspect not. speaking of waco, does
anyone else see signifigance in w. having a ranch
outside waco? back-off tim, you're starting to sound
like a conspiracist!

now that i've brought in w. i have to briefly give
equal time to al. the best part of al, dovetailing
with a discussion on mental illness, was tipper's
ideas on mental illness. i was glad to see that. i had
been a little afraid of tipper given her apparent
desire to impose censorship on record lyrics earlier
in her public life. but if she was good enough for
frank zappa she's good enough for me. too bad we
couldn't have just had the wives run for office but
then what would we have done about ralph? enough.

the second team on our monday morning card was the
titanic duo of jackie cherryhomes and joan campbell.
now there's a pair to draw to. i'm still not sure what
they said though it's apparent they hope to crush the
puny mr.lane. since we have not heard from councilman
lane yet this morning i suspect he is likewise trying
to figure out what they said as well.

i, for one, am and will be everlastingly grateful to
the strib for publishing the scintillating opinions of
these leaders who appear to have a collective IQ. of
100. kudos to the startribune editorial board.

on the other side of the coin, as it were, the PIPress
features a thoughtful editorial entitled "new tools
needed to prevent violence" under the heading
"Mentally Ill People" and a viewpoint by state
representative mindy greiling who actually appears to
be doing something about alleviating problems faced by
families of the mentally ill and the police who often
end up, sadly, providing the final solution.

thie issue of how to deal with the mentally ill in our
culture, bearing always in mind the rights of the
individual versus the needs of society, is a complex
issue that has been avoided by many of our leaders
with disastrous results. these are exactly the issues
we expect our leaders to confront and their
performance to date must be a determining factor in
how people vote.

tim connolly
ward 7


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