At 03:50 PM 11/17/2000 -0600, Jordan Kushner wrote:
>That might be ok if there were good transit options, but there are not.
>Bus service is very slow unless you're travelling a short distance on a
>direct bus line.  I completely support biking, but the weather in Minnesota
>makes it difficult for most people to bike during about one half of the
>year.  Meanwhile, parking in downtown Minneapolis has become prohibitively
>expensive, except at long-term parking meters.  The solution is to provide
>better mass transit. Raising the rates at parking meters will only make
>going to work and conducting personal business downtown  more financially
>burdensome, and disproportionately for those with the most limited
>economic means who cannot affort to pay exorbitant parking ramp fees.

So we need a transit system for downtown that isn't slow and allows people
to park remotely and buzz in and out conveniently.  There's one on my web
site at - check out the link to
a plan for downtown Minneapolis.

Problems like these really do have simple solutions - sometimes.  Why oh
why is our system of government so bad at implementing them?

I'm feeling frustrated and burned out with politics, folks, I think I'll
be unsubscribing soon.  I've promoted certain issues:
- treating drug addiction as a medical problem and treating drug users
  as human beings
- using newly available technology to revolutionize transit successfully
- following the eminently successful example of other countries and
  implementing single-payer health care
- reforming our democracy to make it more representative, accountable and
  creative through involving more political parties
over the last 7 years.  It's taken over my life from time to time.  Well
I've done my bit, and 9 out of 10 voters aren't interested.  I can only
hope I've made a difference.

I need to get out of politics, for the health of my soul.  (And I say that
as a secular humanist.)  Maybe if I want to save the world in future I'll
focus on delivering meals to people with AIDS or something where I'll at
least know I'm doing someone some good.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]      Steven C. Anderson      Longfellow area of Minneapolis

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