I am really glad Kathy responded to the lists concerns. I too think she is
a great city administrator (plus she has the council experienice to jar her
memory once in awhile).

I was somewhat appalled at the messages on the e-list regarding this
selection.  To think that some of you would think that professional
services are not used to help any of the jurisdictions or managers make
these upper management decisions seemed ludicrous to me. Whether someone
has speciality areas in this highly skilled position is probably not an
issue.  The operative sentence in Kathy's response was about the broad
range of  Mr. Born's areas of expertise. The one question I always wonder
if they ask these folks: is their ability to have 14 bosses plus the
bureacratic hierarchy?
It's one of the things that runs these folks right out of town plus getting
higher salaries in other places doesn't help either. That salary cap
certainly keeps a fence around the ballpark when it comes to outrageous
salaries some folks get in other places.
I just think it is amazing and wonderful when we find someone right in our
own City that can do the job.  Much better than bringing in the outsiders.
And God help us everyone - we need someone who can help sort out the
financial issues that our City Council has placed on the platter for this
new employee. Let's all give Mr. Born a chance to see if he can help us
keep our Triple AAA rating over the next 10-20 years.
In my humble opinion...

Annie Young
Ward 6 - East Phillips in Minneapolis
Citywide at-large Park Board Commissioner
Working to build a sustainable community

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