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The way the city charter is written, the Chief of Police is responsible only 
to the Mayor.  Please remember, the City Council members have little if any 
authority over the police.  Therefore, the only candidates that should be 
questioned on the matter of police should be the mayoral candidates.  They 
are the only ones who will be able to make any changes.

Karen Collier
Linden Hills

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<HTML><FONT  SIZE=2>The way the city charter is written, the Chief of Police is 
responsible only <BR>to the Mayor. &nbsp;Please remember, the City Council members 
have little if any <BR>authority over the police. &nbsp;Therefore, the only candidates 
that should be <BR>questioned on the matter of police should be the mayoral 
candidates. &nbsp;They <BR>are the only ones who will be able to make any changes.
<BR>Karen Collier
<BR>Linden Hills</FONT></HTML>


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