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Good question, Scott.  That was what I thought when I read the article.  
Without specifics it sounds to me like "you either do what I say or I'll find 
someone else to do it."  Personally, I think Mr. Sonnenberg has done a pretty 
good job.  

Karen Collier
Linden Hills

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<HTML><FONT FACE=arial,helvetica><FONT  SIZE=2>Good question, Scott. &nbsp;That was 
what I thought when I read the article. &nbsp;<BR>Without specifics it sounds to me 
like "you either do what I say or I'll find <BR>someone else to do it." 
&nbsp;Personally, I think Mr. Sonnenberg has done a pretty <BR>good job. &nbsp;
<BR>Karen Collier
<BR>Linden Hills</FONT></HTML>


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