does the vote by the council last evening mean that
aside from barrels on third avenue all that wrangling
in markup went for naught?

does this mean we'll have to do without the "barking
dog/animal warden" program next year? who was that
lone vote on the council opposed to that program?

a note about state senator moe's idea to create an
endowment with the budget surplus: why is it that when
he talks about puuting the money toward needed areas
affordable housing is never specifically mentioned?
aren't we being continually told by our council that
afffordable housing is a local, metro, statewide issue
as well as a federal government problem? why is it
when we talk about enormous surpluses in washington we
never hear about putting some of the money back into
hud for crumbling cities?

how come this never shows up on radar screens in these
places when we hear of our city's lobbying efforts at
the state capitol and our mayor's great relationship
with the soon to be ex-president, vp, and hud

just some food for thought on a friday morning.

tim connolly
ward 7 

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