Maybe I'm just nuts here, but it seems to me that there IS a link between a
for profit (very for profitable) deciding to discontinue sponsoring a public
school for "business reasons" while they are willing to take our tax dollars
on the other end to build their downtown corporate digs.  Perhaps I'm just
out of the loop in public policy thinking in this city, but as a parent and
taxpayer, I'd say we just don't have our priorities straight.  I can't
understand how we are so short money for our schools, especially the
physical environments, but we have a ton to give to for profit corporations.
And then when they make a business decision to withdraw their support from a
public school our elected officials are either silent or supportive of the
situation  -  this blows my mind.  Where is the public advocacy?

Russ Peterson
Ward 9

R  U S S E L L   P E T E R S O N   D E S I G N
"You can only fly if you stretch your wings."

Russell W. Peterson, RA, CID

3857 23rd Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55407


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