              New Book Exposes Astounding Story of 
              Corruption at Archer Daniels Midland

Rats in the Grain Author James Lieber to Speak in St. Paul on January

Don't miss this opportunity to hear from acclaimed author James Lieber and
the extraordinary tale of corruption, fraud and deception by one of
world's largest and most powerful corporations.

Leiber's book, Rats in the Grain (Four Walls Eight Windows
Press)chronicles the story of ADM's price fixing activities of the
worldwide lysine and citric acid markets. But behind the unprecedenteed
$100 million fine levied against the company is a tale that even Hollywood
couldn't dream up, including FBI raids, undercover moles, money
laundering, drug trafficking and prostitution. A remarkable story about
corporate greed and power that shouldn't be missed.

When: January 10, 2001. 7:30 pm
Where: Highland Park Branch Library, 1974 Ford
Parkway, St. Paul
For more information contact: Eric Watson -
651-222-3242, Friends of St.
Paul Public Library.

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And then ADM spreads the corruption by taking over huge chunks of "public"
TV and radio with corporate-biassed propaganda. Thanks ADM! Thanks big
corporations! With any luck, we'll still be alive after you're done
with us!

--David Shove

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