I offer a further comment on Andy Driscoll's excellent description of the
noneffective nature of the MPCA and its EIS/EAW process. Pollution permits
issued by MPCA are capped at the emissions level that could be delivered
into the atmosphere if the company worked 24 hours per day, seven days per
week. Further, there is no ongoing, on site monitoring of these facilities
except for "self-reporting." Even worse, when a company is actually found to
be exceeding these high limits, MPCA often (always?) suggests a higher
permit limit. As Andy points out, public health, environmental safety and
the cumulative effects of pollution are not seriously considered. 

People living in N or NE Mpls are invited to attend a Legislative District
Day meeting to discuss environmental and energy issues with N and NE state
legislators, council members and county commissioners on Saturday, January
13, 9 - 11 a.m., Logan Park Center, Broadway and Monroe NE. It is
co-sponsored by the Mississippi Corridor Neighborhood Coalition, Clean Water
Action and the Izaak Walton League. For more info: Andrea Kiepe, 612-623-3666.

Fran Guminga
Bottineau, Ward 3
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F. Guminga

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