According to today's Strib, Mary Jo Copeland was turned down
for a zoning change to build an orphanage in Brooklyn
Center.  I think she'll be back at city hall now, to get
space out of Minneapolis.  She won the battle to get Sharing
and Caring hands downtown, but it sits under the garbage
burner so everyone using it can suck up a little heavy metal
rain from the burner when they use the shelter.
I'm solidly opposed to orphanages because they teach kids
how to operate in institutions, rather than presenting them
with a family situation to work from when they grow up.  My
mother, my aunt and two uncles grew up in an orphanage and
they never quite grasped "family" in a way helpful to
themselves or to creating a healthy family structure.
I asking people to keep a sharp eye out for Mary Jo's
orphanage proposal.  She also stated that the orphanage
should go to Brooklyn Center because, "God wants it there
and his Holy Mother wants it there."  That's a Pat Robertson
ploy, but reminds me that 'the Cabots speak only to Lodges
and the Lodges speak only to God."  Scarey stuff, scarey
people talk that way.
WMarks, Central

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