Calling police- See my earlier response.
It is implicit in all leases(contracts) that eviction is an option.
Yes we deduct expenses, including UD's.  Bars/ Restaurants/Coffeeshops get
the public to do it for them, at no cost and in seconds or minutes.
Yes it is the cost of doing business, look at former councilmember  Scallon
members contribution to the Startribs article.

"Scallon said he figured civil law was a faster way to force changes in
housing and behavior then prosecuting tenants for misdemeanor behavior"

I didn't make that up.  It's all there in black and white.
1. Civil law-meaning off load a good portion of law enforcement's cost upon
the landlord(good tenants).
2. Force behavior change on people via the landlord.  OK if you think that's
not Orwellian.
3. Better then prosecuting people for misdemeanor(RE criminal) behavior.

So there you have it.   Law enforcement was off loaded upon the landlords.
They don't have the tools (Courts badges, jails, guns) to do the job.  These
costs got passed on.  I'll repeat again.  This is one big reason why rent is
so high.

Craig Miller
Former Fultonite
-----Original Message-----
From: David Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: craig miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tuesday, January 23, 2001 2:03 PM
Subject: Re: [Mpls] Comparing Hardtimes to Landlords.

>What  is stopping you from callling the police?  What is stopping you from
>writing a lease that allows for eviction if they break the lease  .  An
>unlawful Detainer is a cost of doing business.  You can deduct this

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