I'd like members to weigh in on two facets of the change to city-election
year caucusing:

1. My current plan is to propose ward-level conventions like the ones we'll
have next month. The difference is that anyone can show up and be a delegate
(instead of having to show up last year). BUT the question is: should we try
to balance within the wards precinct-by-precinct, or just let everyone
participate no matter what part of the ward they are from?

The pro to letting everyone participate is that it's simpler and less
time-consuming (no need to caucus by precinct and choose delegates if too
many precinct residents show up relative to everyone else). The con is that
a heavy turnout precinct could "swamp" a ward and perhaps raise tensions in
wards where there is a geographic split. For background: St. Paul, which
holds city-year-conventions, balances by precinct.

2. Should the city-year change be linked to reducing the size of the city

Currently, every ward delegate is a city delegate - meaning 2000 eligible
delegates, bigger than many national party conventions. If the city-year
change INCREASES participation, there could be even more delegates because
more slots will be filled.

So...should a city-year change be linked to reducing the size of the city
convention? Doing so might reassure some longtime DFLers who are already
concerned about the convention being too big. But doing so might also
confuse the issue and split off support; changing the size of the city
convention can happen independently of the city-year change.

Feel free to feed back to the list or to me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] If you
don't mind, please say whether you are an eligible DFL delegate next month
or not.

David Brauer
King Field - Ward 10

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