To hold a person in contempt and accusing that person for disloyalty 
because the person supported candidates other than those anointed (bad 
word, I know, so sorry I can't in haste think of better) by the party is, 
in my opinion, not only wrong but contrary to DFL traditions.  The party 
needs people of conviction, especially those who can articulate their 
views well.  Annie does this and we should be grateful that she willingly 
shares her views.
>With all due respect to you, I don't think the issue
>is one of holding someone in contempt. I think Annie
>Young is a fine person and I have supported her for
>DFL endorsement in the past. However, her decision to
>support Nader last year and apparently to support
>Cameron Gordon for City Council in the 2nd Ward this
>year (she was quoted in the Southeast Angle newspaper
>at a campaign event for him) clearly shows a lack of
>continued loyalty to the DFL Party.
>As much as you repect her conscience in supporting who
>she wants, others have the same right to vote against
>her for the same reason. As you said, it's a personal

John Ferman
Harriet Avenue
Kingfield Neighborhood
Ward 10 Pct 10

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