A Minneapolis subway system?  I think it's a great
idea!!!  I bet all the out-of-towners here for the
NCAA would agree, too.

It could cost $10 - $20 billion and still make
economic and environmental sense.  That's a (very)
rough guess as to the present value of the stream of
expenses associated with our current, above-ground
transportation system.  You could justify spending
much more, if you factored in all the "car culture"
costs (air pollution, collateral damage from oil
drilling, etc.) that we currently assign no value to

On the flip side, think of the multiplier effect of
all that spending on the local economy! 

I can see several benefits flowing from a truly
enlightened underground system:

    1. Subways, unlike highways, don't spring 
       potholes.  So, ongoing maintenance costs for an

       underground system should be dramatically 
       lower.  Plus, it's a lot more pleasant to use 
       in this kind of climate (see #3).  
    2. The ultimate "smart growth" strategy.  If the 
       car creates a centrifugal force towards the 
       suburbs, a subway would generate a centripetal 
       force towards the inner city.  
    3. Egalitarian nature.  Where do you think the 
       SUV's parked in suburban driveways spend the 
       day?  In underground parking lots downtown!  
       After all, underground lots are dry, warm, and 
       incredibly convenient to the skyway system 
       (also enclosed).  Why not let the general 
       public in on this perk?
    4. Aesthetic benefit.  Riding the subway is an 
       intrinsic part of NY City.  DC's metro is    

Taxation, fiscal policy, etc. are not the only things
that are either progressive or regressive; so are
transportation systems.  

I'd happily see local and state government spend $1
for a new metro transportation system for every penny
they put into new stadiums.  Plus, if the federal
government can spend $15 billion on a Boston tunnel,
there's no reason why it can't help us out. 

Ross Kaplan

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