Dear Fellow Minneapolis Citizens:
The process for neighborhood groups to come into compliance with state laws 
is for them to have by-law changes go before their membership bodies that 
will bring them into compliance. True, some state laws do take precedence 
over organization by-laws. However, the situation at the V V meeting is not 
one of them. After observing the meeting in person and viewing a video tape 
of the meeting later, I can only conclude that the meeting was illegal. This 
situation should not go unnoticed. Those responsible for the actions taken at 
the meeting should be held accountable and hopefully will. I think that it is 
time to stop going back and forth about it, the video speaks for itself. Will 
V V be sued for its actions? What of the claim that Mr. Miller (NRP) was a 
part of the actions. Will our city officials see the hampering of legal 
voters as an issue to deal with? Will not these same citizens soon be voting 
for some city official offices? What will current city officials in office do 
when confronted with a video tape of an illegal meeting that shows Racal 
divide within one of its communities? Will we once again hear" this is not a 
race issue?" I wonder how often the citizens in Ohio heard that! I know that 
I have heard it enough in the city of Minneapolis to know that there is a 
race issue that includes a number of different races. Will our city officials 
that control everything in the city actually do something about our race 
issues and this illegal meeting? When will we as citizens of this city hold 
those in control accountable for their actions and neglect of the Racal 
divide in the city? Or has it been determined that it is cheeper to pay 
individuals one by one that have enough fight in them to sue the city. Time 
will only tell. 

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