Glad you brought this up Dean: ;-)
"when putting together an event like the 4th of July
celebration in
Powderhorn Park, a team will be assembled including people
from Recreation,
Maintenance, Permits, and Police.  Such team work would just
not be possible
if the PB had to work with police that were not under its

It has been my experience, especially from last year, that
there was absolutely no policing of this event.  I didn't
see the effectiveness of this "team."   The crowd was out of
control in many cases including all the drinking, drugs,
illegal fireworks, and rowdiness of post exiting.  I would
love to attend this event again with my children, but will
not unless there are some assurances by the Park Board that
this event will be better policed.

Thanks for all your hard work.

Russ Peterson
St. Michael

            Russell W. Peterson, RA, CID
R  U S S E L L   P E T E R S O N   D E S I G N
Architecture / Interior Design / Strategic Planning

   "You can only fly if you stretch your wings."

         Metro Minneapolis - Saint Michael

     13715 Forty-Seventh Street Northeast
          Saint Michael, Minnesota 55376

             (763) 497-1003 phone & fax

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
Dean Zimmermann
Sent: Wednesday, May 02, 2001 2:42 AM
To: wizardmarks; Barbara Nelson
Cc: Carol Becker; Minneapolis Issues
Subject: RE: Strib not Covering Park Board FT was [Mpls]
Full time Park


In fact, the Park Board and Public Works did come to an
agreement last year
or the year before whereby Public Works does maintenance on
Parkways and the
Park Board does maintenance on certain green spaces owned by
Public Works.
Also, the few sewers that are below parkways are now
maintained by Public
Works.  There are a few other details to the agreement.
However, the Park
Board has absolutely no intention of giving up its police.
In our
management system, teams are formed from various
departments. So, for
instance, when putting together an event like the 4th of
July celebration in
Powderhorn Park, a team will be assembled including people
from Recreation,
Maintenance, Permits, and Police.  Such team work would just
not be possible
if the PB had to work with police that were not under its
control.  While it
may appear to a casual observer that there is duplication by
having two
police departments, in fact the two departments play
significantly different

Dean Zimmermann
Commissioner District 3
Mpls Park and Recreation Board

Candidate for Mpls City Council, Ward 6

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
Sent: Sunday, April 29, 2001 1:40 PM
To: Barbara Nelson
Cc: Carol Becker; Minneapolis Issues
Subject: Re: Strib not Covering Park Board FT was [Mpls]
Full time Park

Barbara Nelson wrote:

> I'd like to question Carol Becker's assumption that
Minneapolitan's don't
> that there is a Park Board (another government as so many
have put it)
> operating.
>   They are supposed to be the Fourth Estate.

Estate is the operative word here, what does it conger up?

> The reason we buy newspapers is for NEWS
> (and the comics and Ann Landers)

AND Ms. Manners, she cracks me up!

Carol Becker's assertion that there are duplicative services
is the real
issue.  Is
it possible to combine the duplicative efforts without
removing the Park
Board?  For
example, can payroll be handled by the city payroll office?
I'd hesitate about the police because the city police
department is almost
operating from a shortage of staff power, so were they to
staff the parks,
officers be pulled out of the parks for street duty?

Could public works take over the roadways and not cause a
dysfunction in
getting the
work done?
Annie, Dean, got any thoughts on this one?
WizardMarks, Central

> Barbara Nelson
> Seward
> >
> > I also would argue that many people in Minneapolis (the
vast number of
> > people who don't do things like post to public policy
lists) don't
> > understand that there is a second city government (the
Park Board)
> > policy on streets, police, garbage, etc.  Accountability
for the Park
> > is difficult when no one knows that the Park Board
> > may actually increase if the City Council took over some
of the Park's
> > functions because visibility of those actions would
increase.  I think
> > the Star Tribune's decision to not spend a lot of time
covering the Park
> > Board speaks volumes to this part of the question.
> >
> > Carol Becker
> > Longfellow
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