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Russell W Peterson wrote:

>  unfair doesn't even come close to describing the
> clout the Mayor had over the other candidates in this
> convention.

I don't get how that's attributable to the mayor.

> I guess unless you
> endorse the Mayor it really isn't that important.

Whether we endorsed the mayor or R.T. or Lisa, I was adamant that I was NOT staying 
half the night as everyone
did in 93. Also, we moved to keep the rules as is so that the mayoral race came last.  
Otherwise, all those of
us running for the boards would have lost delegate support as they wore out or had to 
get home to their
families.It was clear to me and, I thought, everyone else that the convention was 
deadlocked.  That's OK.  It
means we have three candidates for mayor and the primary will choose among them (Lisa 
didn't do well, but she
had already opted for a primary anyway.)

> So why do I tell you all this - because I think the spin of
> late has been about the Mayor's failure to win the
> endorsement because of the lunatic left.
> Everybody thought Sayles Belton would be endorsed -

I wasn't at all sure that would be the case because Rybak supporters in their peacock 
blue t-shirts, seemed to
be the largest bunch of people and it didn't appear that there were any lunatics among 
them; nobody was
foaming at the mouth, raving up and down the halls, or any other behavior that would 
trigger the notion of

Russ, I don't think it's necessary to sound all sneery about SSB.  I do think she 
underestimated R.T. and
maybe reasoned that he and Lisa would split the opposition and that's how she would 
win. Clearly, if that was
the thinking, it was mistaken. But it doesn't make her an ogre.
Too, Joe Barazonzi was very noticable with the t-shirts ("I didn't even get a lousy 
t-shirt.") organizing
opposition to the great amount of money given to Target Corp. to locate on the 
Nicollet Mall. When R.T.
pointed out in his speech that we had to raise a bond issue to fund the library 
because Target had gotten so
much of the treasury, the two pieces were strung together for folks (for those who had 
not already made the
connection, of course).  It was vivid.
It could be that folks want a new mayor just because they want a new mayor, not 
because of any of the specific
complaints her opponents have.  That's always possible.
One of the reasons I've always admired Vernon Wetternach is that he has never become 
ungracious when friends
oppose the candidate he's supporting, he never avoids people who disagree with him.  
He is unfailingly
gracious. I'm trying to emulate that myself.
Having been labeled the "fringe left" myself, I find it a totally unacceptable label 
for anyone. I don't
believe that doing a citizen's duty is fringy at all, and while I am certainly to the 
left of many a one
(people like Phyllis Schlafly and Jerry Falwell come to mind), there is no shame in 
WizardMarks, Central

> Russell W. Peterson
> Exurbia ;-)
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