There's been a discussion in the forum about giving money to liberal
candidates and I agree that "putting your money where your mouth is" is
a good measure of a person's  commitment to what they believe.  I also
believe that a parent who calls him or herself a liberal or a social
progressive must also "put their kids where their mouth is".
    If you say you are for social justice , racial equality and
community how can you send your kids to an elite, non-religious ,
predominantly white private school?
    My kids go to Ramsey ,  it's a great school.  This year my youngest
daughter's orchestra played their violins with the SPCO at the Ordway
and my oldest daughter played violin with other MPLS students at
Orchestra Hall...I am very grateful to the teachers and administrators
of the Minneapolis Public Schools for giving my kids a great public
school education.  But, I'm very worried about the future of our public
schools and what that would mean for our city's future.
    What worries me the most about the future of the Minneapolis public
schools is white, middle-class parents yanking their kids out of the
schools and putting them into non-religious private schools.  It's not
just a vote of no confidence in public schools , it's a vote of no
confidence in the progressive agenda that says all of us have a  stake
in the common good .  If you believe that a kid has a right to a better
chance in life if they are simply lucky to be born into the right family
with enough money and privilege to go to Blake or Breck or Lake Country
instead of a public school then how can you argue against the
privatization agenda of the Far Right?
    At the dinner table last night my daughters told us about the awful
food served at their school .  They told us that the poor kids who eat
the school lunches are always throwing up.  They also say that some poor
kids are too ashamed to eat the greasy free lunch and instead beg food
from the kids who bring a bag lunch. They also complain about the kids
who disrupt class and make it difficult for the kids who are trying to
learn.  My kids know about the problems of the poor first-hand, that's
perhaps the best lesson that white-middle class kids (and their parents)
can learn in this increasingly diverse City ....and that lesson is not
available in private schools.
    I believe leaders should lead by example. I cannot support a
candidate for Mayor or any other office who "talks the talk but won't
walk the walk".

P.S. If Private School Liberals put their kids back in the public
schools , They could send some of that saved tuition money to liberal

Ken Avidor



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