Tim Bonham said:

"The Minneapolis branch of the republican party has
been taken over by extreme, hard-line conservatives --
such that any republican that might have a chance of
winning an election in Minneapolis will never be 
endorsed by them."

As a member of the City Republican Committee, I must
loudly contest this statement.  The leadership of our
organization has almost completely changed in the past
year.  While I don't mean that as a criticism of the
old leadership - I AM very excited about newer,
younger, and more socially moderate direction that is
being taken.  

Steve Sumner referred to Shirley Carlson in the 10th
Ward, and indeed she's a wonderful illustration of how
wrong Tim's categorization is.  Shirley is Pro-Choice,
and Pro-Gay-Rights.  She also opposes wasteful
spending and counterproductive bureacracy.  

Remember: "More Access - Less Excess"

The Minneapolis Republicans were and are extremely
pleased to support Shirley.  She's been not only a
colleague but a friend.  (Especially for me!)  She was
endorsed UNANIMOUSLY by the Ward 10 Republicans.

BTW- when my ward (6) voted on delegates to send to
the City Committee, they included the two youngest
people (perhaps in the history of the committee...
don't quote me on that.)  One was me, (22-year-old
student and "starving-[jewelry]-artist") and one was
my new friend Jason, a young, atheist musician from
the east coast who rides his bike to all of our

How's that for right-wing nut jobs?  (Grin)
Connie Sheppard
Ward 6 - Ventura Village

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