I am so intrigued by the thoughtful posts regarding
neighborhood associations.  I have learned quite a bit.
However, my experience in many cases was that the
neighborhood associations where I lived previously did get
in the way at times (more bureaucracy).  And by virtue of
how they are organized and meet exclude many portions of the
population - especially families with young children and the
elderly.  All of these factors seem to distance the
neighborhood association from the citizenry.

I wonder if part of the reason for all of this is that we
were not direct stakeholders.  In my current association, I
pay dues directly to the association.  I am an even greater
stakeholder because I know exactly how much I pay to that
association every month.  It is ever present in my mind
about what they are doing and what I am paying for.  I
wonder if because NRP associations are funded through
general taxes and even further removed TIF taxes that many
in neighborhoods don't feel as great a stakeholder.  Kind of
the out of site out of mind thing.  Perhaps the funding
vehicle needs to change? Any thoughts...

Russ Peterson
St. Michael
former Standishite

            Russell W. Peterson, RA, CID
R  U S S E L L   P E T E R S O N   D E S I G N
Architecture / Interior Design / Strategic Planning

   "You can only fly if you stretch your wings."

         Metro Minneapolis - Saint Michael



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