I too am very concerned about all of the citizens of Minneapolis. But we must understand that at this time there should be special consideration for our Muslim citizens. 911 with a focused, trained response team is a good start. Further down the road we must expand the cities support to our immigrant citizens by way of safe housing, 0 tolerance of race based violence cases, and more security and protection in and around our schools.

I think that an amendment to the proposed budget that the city council will soon vote on, should include a fund to address these and other wartime needs. The day that the war against America, came to America, I called a number of my Muslim friends and associates. I was, and still am, concerned about their children in our schools. The school board does not have funds needed to step-up security. We as a city must provide them with the needed resources. Our police department should also receive more funding and start training's about what to do in certain situations and hire a diversity of new officers, to be part of a police wartime task force. In war time it is always best to setup your defenses first. In the city of Minneapolis this means safety for all of our citizens.

Past development plans need to be revised and revamped. We need to go into another mode until peace has been restored. It would be wise to defer funds from different areas to cover the expense of community safety. In the time of war, war takes priority. It is my feeling that high cost city projects need to be put on alert of shut down. Some projects need to come to a complete stop. We cannot take anything lightly. We must wake up, we as a country are at war.

Zachary Metoyer

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