Remember: our rules allow pointed disagreement, but require respectful discussion. 

Robert wrote:

> Am I correct in thinking there is a way to have the road to hell and
> preserve the spring?
> If anyone on the Minnehaha Watershed would elaborate on this I would
> appreciate it.
> Why is it one or the other, I'd like to think we could have both. Is
> that to much to ask ?

Robert, I don't have an answer to your question, but as a non-Hwy-55
protester, I found today's MnDOT action completely unconvincing and
disingenuous. It's my opinion that they are pitching a hissy fit, and
that's not the way public policy should be conducted.

I'd give them the benefit of the doubt, except I'm told they assured
people over and over again that there would be no damage to the spring -
and now they say there's no way to avoid it.

I may be a little slow on the uptake, but I'd say all of you protesters
and looking really smart right now. Thanks to you and the Watershed
district for holding their feet to the fire on a range of issues. I
believe in government, and even tolerate human screw-ups within
government's halls...but this kind of arrogance should carry sanctions,
IMHO. Can we find someone else to do the work and cut MnDOT out of the

I'd love to hear from Julie Sabo about the legislative outlook and her
current views on this matter. She was essential in protecting the
spring, and I hope she won't be bullied.

David Brauer
King Field - Ward 10

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