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In a message dated 09/17/2001 8:10:38 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

<< Steve Brandt had a nice piece this a.m. about the city's $17 million
 plan to reopen Nicollet Ave. at the K-Mart/Lake St. blockage
Took only 30 years so I can say, " WE TOLD YOU SO."   This was a horrid ID 
back then but nobody in city hall thought so. So now  we cough up $17 million 
to undo that dibacle.  The leveling of the Hiawatha Corridor for almost as 
long cost the city in the area of $100 million in lost taxes, now it's still 
mostly off tax rolls efforts.  Like Everette Dirkson said, " A few billion 
here a few billion there and pretty soon you are talking about real money."  
The list grows and grows and we now have finished, or constructing more 
financial nonsense just like it.  Recall the major additions on West High 
that were tossed into a landfill a few years after completion?  Gotta keep 
those labor unions working folks. Now we go into a pending economic plunge 
with a ton of crapola in the pipeline  that will haunt us before long.  When 
things like light rail go over budget (they always do) where will the money 
come from?  Maybe Belton and a few DFLer's can do a telethon.
WP Chadwick
9th Ward
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