Remember: our rules allow pointed disagreement, but require respectful discussion. 

The primary season is over.  The real race begins.  Many people with all of
the campaigns have asked me and other landlords " what's the solution
Craig".  The issue of course is the lack of affordable housing.

Public housing has given up on people with troubled crim, credit, or housing
court history.  The non-profits are being examined for the large amount of
money they spend.  The private sector landlord is being put over a very
large barrel when it comes to renting to "high risk" ( Not my words, Julie
Sabo's-Linda Berglin's)tenants.  So most are excluding them.  Under current
circumstances, they are way to expensive to house.

The city finances for the next few years look bleak.  We have a recession
approaching or upon us.  Tax revenues go down when that happens.  Large
property owners petition to have their taxes lowered.  The large office
buildings get large cutbacks when that happens.  So there will be little
that the city can do directly.  A list lurker has pointed out that it has
been a long time since we have had down times.  It's great to be a tax
cutting governor or rebating governor.  Or that it's great to be a hold the
line Mayor and council.  It is easy when the bread dough keeps rising.  What
happens to the big patty melt we call Mpls when the loaf starts shrinking?

1. Legislative cutbacks that make the past year or so like a tea party.
Anyone remember the 1990-3. Budget years.  Or the 1977-1983 years.
2. MN House still in Republican control
3. Washington DC preoccupied with concerns overseas

With close to half the city budget coming from sources other then the Mpls
taxpayer, we could be in for a rude shock or two.

What can the city do? What can the next Mayor do?  What can the next council

I posit that the track record over the last 4 years has been spotty at best.

Before I launch on my solution,  I would like to hear from the list.  What
is the new solution?  Most of all the plans tried so  far have failed.

Craig Miller
Camden Landlord

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