Phyllis Kahn wrote:
> A gentle reminder to list readers that Paul Zerby, besides being endorsed by the 
>Strib was also endorsed by the second ward voters ( by coming in first in the 
>primary), the DFL and a pile of labor organizations. 
JSK - the same group of organizations who are endorsing many inadequate
or anti-community candidates, e.g. Kallenbach, Cherryhomes, Herron (had
these endorsements), Belton (labor endorsements), [arguably] Biernat. 
To be fair, Paul Zerby is certainly one of the better of the DFL trough
- just not as good as Cam.  The point is that these endorsements have
lost credibility.

[Kahn continues]
Some of us do believe that credentials are important: for example the
totally inept city legal department  that gave us the Kondirator
settlement might be helped by some oversight from someone who has worked
in outstanding Government  and private legal departments. 
JSK - we should not have to elect lawyers to protect the city's
interests.  A diligent and independent-minded council member is easily
capable of scrutinizing the city's legal agreements, and to make sure
that the right legal staff is hired.  (I remember Steve Minn [although
not necessarily my model council member],  did not have a law degree but
seemed very sharp on legal issues).  There are also going to be at least
three lawyers on the next City Council (Ostrow, Benson [or Casserly],
and Lane [or Abbott]).  THe council will benefit from a broader range of
experiences.  Cam's background in child care and education issues and
community activism will better diversify the city council.

[Kahn continues]
For more in depth  positions check the Zerby web site
> or just call him. I'm also amused by the implied criticism that door-knocking  
>diligently from the candidate is somehow inferior to that done by a  hoard of 
>supporters. Both have their place but years of doing this has shown me that the 
>candidate is the most useful person to have at the door and how hard a person works 
>in the election is a good indicator of what they will do  in office.
JSK - Kahn misses the point.  There is certainly nothing wrong with
door-knocking.  Erik Riese's point was that Cam not only door-knocks,
but has also successfully attracted a large group of committed
volunteers.  Getting people involved in the political process is a very
important to stimulating democracy and also reflects leadership
ability.  These are very important qualities unique to Cam.  


[Kahn continues]

> Next to criticise Betts Zerby for giving the Gordon  campaign a public document 
>which that campaign then used in a dubious manner seems a stretch beyond belief.

JSK - it would be nice if such an extremely experienced politician such
as Phyllis Kahn did not feel compelled to completely distort my post to
score points.  I did not by any stretch criticize Betts Zerby for giving
me a public document [Campbell's finance disclosure].  I definitely
think that Betts did the right thing.  I am also definitely proud that i
disclosed this public document's contents in a more public forum.  The
criticism was of Paul Zerby, for the hypocrisy of allegedly criticizing
the public disclosure of public information that his campaign assisted
in.  [It must take an experienced politician to so twist an incident].


[Kahn concludes]
> And Finally the mosthat " robust new political party " has given us was the psuedo 
>election of George W. Bush.

JSK - again?!  Which party produced an inept and complete sell-out
candidate that could not even beat someone as dumb as George Bush? 
Which party did not seriously fight against the stealing of the
election?  Phyllis Kahn's party.  Lets give another Party a chance.
> Phyllis Kahn   State Rep 59B (including much of the 2nd ward).

Jordan Kushner
honarary 2nd Ward resident
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