So: 62-yr.-old Andy Driscoll fires a salvo seconding Jenny Heiser's
broadside and Greg Luce holes the Kallenbach/Graham/(Cherryhomes) ship
of state below the waterline with heavy shot indeed. More Z-friendly
sails can be seen on the near horizon, vide the ranging shots fired by
Z-friendly David Porter in today's letters from readers in the Star

For those Mpls-issues members who may have missed this, the text
(published Oct. 29 in the Star Tribune) reads

"Zimmerman has delivered 

"There is faulty logic in your Oct. 20 endorsement of Dean Kallenbach
for the Minneapolis Sixth Ward seat. 

"Dean Zimmerman has been building grass-roots community participation in
south Minneapolis for 30 years. His work on the Minneapolis Park Board
has led to outstanding results in accountability, functionality and
award-winning design changes. Our parks are getting better every day,
and he has been a major part of that change. 

"Dean Zimmerman should be elected to our City Council. 

"-- David K. Porter, Minneapolis."

And I am reliably informed that more heartfelt and weighty Zimmermann
testimony and testimonials are forthcoming in the print media that
circulate in the Sixth Ward. 

One notices the silence from the Whittier fleet post-Jenny Heiser's
incandescent comment. These folks have long considered themselves rulers
of the local seas and they take correction poorly indeed. Perhaps the
recommendation of the Washington, D.C. consultants back in 1993/4 that
the Alliance ought to reach out more significantly to tenants and other
marginalized groups has finally come to fruition in the person of a more
appropriately humble and service-oriented admiral-in-waiting.  

This is turning into a conflict where ambitious insiders have only
increasingly shrill accusations - argumentes ad hominem - that don't
have much in the way of naval gunpowder propelling them. 

See the leaky hulls of the majority party wallowing aimlessly in
troubled waters - Spanish Armada, anyone? Can you say "Admiral of the

63-yr.-old Fred Markus Horn Terrace Ward Ten      

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