October 30, 2001

Rybak Tripled Fundraising Rate Without Taking Money
“With Strings Attached”

Business consultant and Minneapolis Mayoral candidate
R.T. Rybak filed a campaign finance report showing his
campaign was well prepared for the final week of
get-out-the-vote activities.

The complete report, postmarked four hours before the
midnight deadline, showed Rybak had raised $69,991 in
this reporting period.  The campaign spent $85,780.
Having had a pre-primary balance of $43,147, that left
a final cash balance of $27,358.

“Since the primary we’ve more than tripled our
fundraising rate compared to the previous reporting
period.  As of the close of reporting on 23rd, we’ve
got about as much cash on hand as the incumbent and
we’ve raised nearly $20,000 more since then.  Again, we’re spending
our resources wisely and running a cost-effective
campaign,” Co-Campaign Manager Laura Sether said.

Sether estimated that the Rybak campaign has returned
or turned down well over $10,000 in contributions. 

“We were outspent four-to-one in the primary and we
won because of our grassroots volunteer advantage. 
We’ve proven we don’t need to take money from PACs and
the interests who get giant taxpayers subsidies from
the city to order to win.   I’ll walk into City Hall
with no strings attached,” said Rybak. 

Around 4:30 p.m. the Sayles Belton campaign attempted
to distort reporting deadlines. 

“Out of desperation, the Sayles Belton campaign is
making up stuff to get mad about.  We got our report
in with several hours to spare.  If their campaign
doesn’t know the law, that’s their problem.  They want
to distract from the real issue which is the boatloads
of money they get from the interests who get taxpayer
subsidy checks.” said Co-Campaign Manager Laura


Laura Sether
Standish Ericsson Neighborhood

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