Some may recall that the books on "Forrest Gump"
showed a loss despite grossing over $600 million in
box office receipts (see,3605,544319,00.html
for an example).  Baseball and movies are different
businesses, but the Gump story is an anecdote worth

If one concedes the point on the Beeston quote,
there's still a discrepancy between MLB's and
Forbes/Fortune's estimates of profits and losses. 
Whose word should Minneapolis take in this regard?  If
the truth is somewhere in between, what is baseball
doing to clear the air?  Not knowing the answers, I
would appreciate commentary from folks more in the

Dana Bacon
Page neighborhood

--- "Clark C. Griffith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Beeston was referring to timing issues only. He
> regrets the statement that is very misleading and
> gives the erroneous impression that books can be
> cooked at will.  
> Clark Griffith

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