Mark Johnson said:
I was talking with a friend that said that RT told the
legislature he would support going the community to
ask for more than $10 million dollars for the stadium.
I told her that RT was against public funding for the
stadium. Was I wrong?

And then Mike Hohmann said:
a friend told a friend, who said...
did you know that the legislature isn't even in session now?
guess you'll have to ask RT specifically what it is you want to know.

And now Linda says:
The legislature is not in session till january 29, but there are lots of
meetings in the interim. The stadium task force has met several times, and
at the last meeting in November, both Mpls and St Paul presented plans for
ballparks, as did Sen Ellen Anderson and Rep Phyllis Kahn for community

I was working in my office and watching on the closed-circuit tube, and RT
said that the stadium was the highest priority for the city in the upcoming
bonding bill. (He then was corrected by CM Cherryhomes, who clarified that
the council had voted for the Enterprise Zones and the Planetarium as the
two priorities.) RT also said he would go back to the community and ask us
to override the $10 million cap on subsidy.

I was surprised this didn't get picked up by the major media, considering
RT's opposition to the subsidy during the campaign.

One of the most adversarial questions was from Rep Osthoff (St Paul) who
waved a copy of the city's resolution supporting a ballpark. His comment to
Paul Ostrow went something like this: "You're just wasting our time. Your
resolution passed 7 to 6, and none of the yes votes is still there. You got
any votes for a ballpark over there?" Now, his statement isn't really
accurate, but it makes for good theater...

Linda Higgins
North Mpls

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