Gary Bowman wrote:

> In conclusion, it's these antics that leave many people with the belief that money 
>is being misappropiated and tax increases are unjustified.  I would openly challenge 
>Carol Johnson to return her pay raise to either the district or some school related 
>charity (PTA?) and, of course, remain Superintendent of Minneapolis Public Schools.  
>Would this return of $30,000 to an immense budget be largely symbolic vs. of 
>practical use?  Yes, but it would demonstrate Carol Johnson's desire to run a good 
>school system not only in letter but in spirit also.

There was also a previous thread in relation to Dr. Johnson's decision
to hire a business consultant.  I think that people are a little unclear
on the concept that Dr. Johnson role is not to improve the MPS; if it was
she should have been fired by now.  Her role is to keep people happy
And, as Ms. Shreves points out, to provide a positive face for corporate
donors.  The fact is that any superintendent who tried to implement real
reforms that would truly have beneficial effects would end up
alienating so many people that they wouldn't last a year before the
school board would be forced to terminate their contact.  Hence,
the hiring of a hatchet man to make cuts.  Rather than a $30,000
raise they should just have Dr. Johnson work on commission based
on the amount of donations; how about say 5%?

Michael Atherton
Prospect Park

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