Just a follow up to my last post about the African American Men Project and its final 
report, which the Strib reported on earlier.  Some important clarifications:

The study and report relates to young African American men between the ages of 18 and 
30.  Not all AA men, as my message may have implied. Also, the Strib rather 
confusingly reported a statistic about where most young African American men live, 
stating that they live in one of Minneapolis's poorest and most dangerous 
neighborhoods.  I interpreted that to mean one neighborhood.

The actual report clarifies this:  about 49 percent of young African American men in 
Hennepin County live in one of Minneapolis' FIVE (out of 11) poorest and most unsafe 
communities.  The final report is available on the Hennepin County web site (the link 
is too long to post here) if you search for African American Men Project.

Finally, just to be clear, the report has some positive findings, such as the increase 
since 1990 in the number of young African American men in professional positions and 
occupations.  Overall, there's a lot of data available in the report and it is well 
worth reading to determine what we all can do.

Gregory Luce
North Phillips (work)

On Fri, 11 January 2002, Gregory Luce wrote:

> For those of you who missed it, the Star Tribune ran a story today about a 
>fascinating two-year study of trends involving African American men in Hennepin 
>County.  While the study obviously focused on the county level, the Strib reported 
>that the study found that 49 percent of African American men live in one Minneapolis 
>neighborhood (unnamed in the Strib story but described by the reporter as one of the 
>poorest and most dangerous neighborhoods in the city).
> The story is worth discussion and is at:
> http://www.startribune.com/stories/462/1023667.html
> Gregory Luce
> North Phillips (work)
> North Phillips Press is a publication of Project 504, 
> a housing related neighborhood organization based in 
> the Phillips neighborhood.

North Phillips Press is a publication of Project 504, 
a housing related neighborhood organization based in 
the Phillips neighborhood.
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