Basic services budgets have been whittled away for several
years now.  There may be a couple more things to do in those
areas, but probably no significant savings.  The first place
to look for savings would be those areas that had huge
increases in budget over the past several years including
the City Coordinators Office and the Office Of Cultural

By far, the biggest savings will probably come from
reinventing the delivery of services through the MCDA,
Planning & NRP programs.  But in order for this to be
successful, it needs to be done with employees completely
involved in the defining of the vision, mission and goals of
this new combined department.  And employees need to be
completely involved in the entire process without management
or politicians sweeping out the floor from underneath the
process.  To mean that means providing leadership, education
and dialogue - not edicts.

The other area of savings would probably come from reducing
the city's role in social services.  This is something that
traditionally the state and county have provided.  With the
state reducing aid to cities perhaps the cities should
return responsibility of social services to the counties and
the state.

A management restructuring might get some savings and there
should also be a comprehensive look at the cost differential
between privatization of some city services and in house

Two cents from the peanut gallery...

R u s s e l l   W.   P e t e r s o n

Saint Michael, Minnesota
"You can only fly if you stretch your wings."

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