List Manager wrote:

> To compile data, I chose, arbitrarily, the first 10 days of Jan., Feb.
> and March 2000...742 posts in all! I counted posts, not individuals, but
> that's because it reflects the actual conversation.

Counting posts, and not individuals, only supports Mr. Grow's argument;
if it is indeed true that a select number of individuals make the majority
of posts, then in some sense the list is elitist.  It is the diversity
(I have to cringe when I use this word) of opinion that would make the list
representative of the views of Minneapolis residents.

Mr. Grow's column is itself inherently contradictory because the claim
that the list is too powerful encourages additional participation (which might
have been his intent). I would like to see Mr. Grow put his thoughts on
the line through his own personal participation and step out from behind
his shield of one-way news print. Or would it cheapen his words to
make them available for free?

Michael Atherton
Prospect Park

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