I agree with Robin, Neal, and Sonja that automobile drivers aren't very
careful and break laws also.
However, it seems to me that a lot of bicyclists have a purposeful disregard
for even the most basic of traffic laws.  I have even heard a few tell me
that the laws don't apply to them.  It seems that every time I see a
bicyclist on the road they don't regard the laws at all.  It doesn't even
seem that they pay attention at intersections (the example that I cited of
near misses).  Typically, with all due respect to the people who emailed me,
the argument that "car drivers break laws too" has been one that I've heard
from the people who say the laws don't apply to them.
Point: Everyone needs obey the traffic laws, even bicyclists.
Steve Sumner
Ward 1

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