this is in response to Lynell Mikkelson's cogent attack on MAEF:

Mark Anderson here:> Well, this long, but fascinating posting sure deserves
an equal response by
> someone involved with the school board.  From what you say, I agree that
> MAEF is worse than useless.  If you get a reply from Carol Johnson, please
> post it to this list.  And I hope others in the know will also weigh in.
> Has anyone else on the List been a volunteer for MAEF like Lynnell?  I've
> worked in business for the last 20 years. I've seen similar consultants in
> that milieu, and they are just as useless there.
> Actually, I disagree with your contention that we should not go into these
> schools and hold them accountable for the results that occur there.  I
> the kids and the parents probably have more to do with a failing school
> the staff and teachers.  But that doesn't mean we leave the schools
> unaccountable for the results.  I'm not sure what the school system should
> do, and it sure sounds like MAEF ain't it.  But I'm in favor of looking
> an answer.  I'm also one of those awful conservatives that thinks
> competition is the best solution we have currently.  Both public and
> competition.
> Mark Anderson
> Bancroft
> (Still) Ward 8
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Lynnell Mickelsen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2002 4:24 PM
> Subject: [Mpls] Banneker, Troubled Schools and outside reviews
> >
> >
> > When I read that Banneker was being closed, in part as the
> > result of an outside review team, I didn't know what to think.
> >
> > Because I don't know anything about Banneker. But I was part
> > of the same outside review team process. My team was assigned to
> > Folwell Middle School (Another team went to Northeast Middle School.)
> > But we all went through the same training together and were told to
> > ask the same questions.
> >
> > Based on my experience, I think these outside reviews were
> > pretty worthless--both in design and execution. For example, our team
> > spent four highly-scheduled days at Folwell Middle School, but we
> > were never scheduled to spend any time in the classroom. Instead we
> > dragged teachers and staff and students out of the class and asked
> > them questions about the school's mission statement and flow charts.
> >
> > I'm not making this up.
> >
> > To the best of my knowledge, the same process was used at
> > Banneker and Northeast.
> >
> > It was so bad, I decided to send my own report to the School
> > Board and Superintendent Carol Johnson. I attach a very long excerpt
> > from my report to give anyone who's interested an idea of what these
> > outside review teams actually did. It would all be hilarious.....if
> > it was simply a Dilbert parody. Unfortunately, it was real life and
> > something the district agreed to do as part of their legal settlement
> > with the NAACP.
> >
> > The Minnesota Academic Excellence Foundation (MAEF) was hired
> > to run these review teams.  MAEF receives millions in funds from the
> > state although I believe it's all due to run out in the next couple
> > of years as part of budget cuts. (Finally, a specific cut in the
> > education budget that I can get behind!!) Over in St. Paul, several
> > lobbyists and legislators told me MAEF is known as a total joke.
> > Based on what I saw at Folwell, I agree. But this may be the future
> > for schools if certain political types  have their way: cut school
> > budgets and subject schools to these endless "business-style" reviews
> > as a way of "holding schools accountable."
> >

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