This is the best news I have observed from city hall in decades.

Go after the money and the real estate.  I make my living on real estate.  I
guard assets and I take assets from those who do not keep agreements.  The
city has been a babe in the woods when it comes to dealing with experienced
operators.  Now is the time to go out and recoup.   Go RT!!!

Craig Miller
Former Fultonite

> Brookfield has offered $4.4 million to settle the loan, for which an
> $11.5 million payment due June 15. The parcel is valued at $7 million
> and pays $344,000 of property taxes.
> As Olson writes, "The proceeds are to go to the Minneapolis Community
> Development Agency (MCDA), and without them taxpayers could face higher
> levies to help pay for development projects, including affordable
> housing." (The article doesn't say if the missed loan payments affect
> NRP, or how big a share of overall city development/housing funds the
> payments represent.)
> There are two other loans, Olson reports. Brookfield owes $17.4 million
> on Sept. 30 for another Gaviidae parcel. The city is in "second place"
> for any payment behind a Brookfield affiliate, meaning the city leaders
> "don't expect to see a dime." Olson's article says the city will
> probably sue to retain rights to the proceeds. (The article doesn't say
> so but the city will presumably argue Brookfield's ability to protect
> payments through its own affiliate, not the city, is inappropriate
> self-dealing. Brookfield will probably argue that the city signed the
> original deal.)
> The article also mentions a $39.5 million payment on a third parcel due
> in 2008 or 2009. Unlike the first two, this one is backed by Brookfield
> assets, so it is expected to be paid in full.
> One wonders: any other multi-million-dollar unsecured deals looming from
> our recent past?
> David Brauer
> List manager


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