Having a bikes-only street, I fear,
would only welcome further regulation of bike commuters and fuel the rage
many motorists already feel for us pedalers.
Craig Cox

I don't understand the logic here.  How would having a bikes only road to
downtown welcome further regulation of bike commuters? And/or fuel motorist
rage?  BTW, the freedom that you stated regarding thumbing your nose at
conventions of traffic, (stoplights, etc.) exists only because enforcement
of current regulations has not occurred (to you anyway).  As a cyclist
using the roads you are already regulated as a road vehicle (even though
not commonly or consistently enforced). I do understand and relate to the
joy of being on a bike and not in a car, but I don't see how an all-bike
road to downtown will diminish that joy.  Maybe I'm missing something.

Kris Musser
Linden Hills

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