In a message dated 5/31/02 6:44:16 AM Central Daylight Time, 

 Is there a law about how much a tenants rent can be raised and how often?
 Where would a person look up this information?
 ~Kate Carey
 Ventura Village (I think)
  Keith says; There is no limit, except the market place itself, to how much 
or how often a property owner may raise the rent charged to a tenant. Notice 
of rent increases are subject to Minn. statute and existing lease terms. 
   My question; Is there any limit to how high the stock market can be 
raised? How often can fuel prices be changed up?
Keith Reitman     NearNorth
          -Add-on regarding MDC/ Most Dangerous Corner/ 22 & Irving Murder-
In my haste to post I forgot to mention my conversation with Strib Reporter 
David Chanen as we both stared out at the crime scene, and body, yesterday. 
After some pleasantries I asked him which print journal he was with and who 
he was. When he said he was DC, I said, "Oh, I am KR, the guy that was upset 
with you and the Strib for repeatedly misidentifying our "West Broadway" as 
simply "Broadway". " I added that we are identity building on our avenue and 
want the name spelled correctly. I now have reason to be optimistic regarding 
proper spelling at our next crime scene report.
Keith Reitman   Made My Day   NearNorth
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