Pardon my total bewilderment, but I am confused.  I woder if any body on the 
list sees the same interesting connection as I do.  One list member claims 
this city has the lowest public spending per capita on art in the countty, 
yet after 5 years here,            I am still amazed at how often I turn 
around and find a completely new chunk of the art world .  Over the last 20 
years I've lived in a NYC suburb, Delaware, downtown St. Louis and Chicago.  
And I grew up in a Boston inner ring suburb.  A decent cross section of 
non-western America.  I would have to sayhMinneapolis has more Art,  however 
defined, then any of these places.     Why do we feel the need to drag a 
public bureaucracy into this? Who needs the state to sanction art?  Does our 
low level of Official Support and our very high level of actual art not have 
a posssible connection?  Why risk demolishing a creative, untamed spirit like 
that needed to create art by saddling it with the dead hand of politics?      
           Mark Greenwald, The Wedge
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