In a message dated 6/2/02 12:10:22 AM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
          (Keith Reitman adds all/only parenthesized (words) comments Below)
<<  I would have to say Minneapolis has more Art (free market housing-KR),  
 defined, then any of these places.     Why do we feel the need to drag a 
 public bureaucracy into this? Who needs the state to sanction art (housing)? 
 Does our 
 low level of Official Support (for small business people called landlord-KR) 
and our very high level of actual art (In this case, heavily subsidized 
housing developments-KR) not have a possible connection?  Why risk 
demolishing a creative, untamed spirit like 
 that needed to create art (free market housing-KR) by saddling it with the 
dead hand of politics?      
            Mark Greenwald, The Wedge
 ____________________________ >>
 Keith says; There is no way to "build affordable housing", new construction 
is very expensive. New housing should be built by the private sector and 
offered at market rates to those who will commit to paying for it. When 
people move up to their new homes, the  housing they leave behind shall be 
move-up housing for the next strata of folks, and so on. The last regime was 
ferociously tearing down affordable used housing, both public and private, at 
a furious rate. They loved building Target Towers and Choo-Choo trains and 
Block E's with TIF money and Bond Selling (a small second mortgage on all our 
homes). This is what the DFL Leadership did, and with barely a whimper from 
any of you reading this post. "Proud of the DFL'..."DFL Guard"? Let us 
convene a Truth Commission to examine what Jackie and Sharon, Joe and Joan 
did: "Economic Cleansing" like ethnic cleansing should be a crime and is a 
sin. If no punishment, let us at least research the facts. How did these 
leaders, and the willing executioners of their egregious policy (such as 
former MCDA Bosses), manage to destroy our old housing stock and punish poor 
families and children? As they violated property rights; they also violated 
human rights. I heard Jackie was 'busy' at the DFL State Convention: I would 
like to explain to her, off-list, the meaning of "Crimes against Humanity".  
And, of course, after the City's dirty work is done and private property 
owners and homeless people are pushed to the curb, one Socialist and then 
another will holler for ''rent control". 
Keith Reitman   NearNorth
Minneapolis Issues Forum - A Civil City Civic Discussion - Mn E-Democracy
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