WizardMarks said:

> I have
> developed a theorem in addition to that which says that each
> neighborhood is assigned by cosmic forces (choose the one you're most
> accustomed to here) to contend with two genuine nut cases who are there
> to act out their personal pain and suffering at public functions. So the
> guy the neighborhood has nicknamed "the weasel" will be there, and the
> narcissist will be there expecting everyone to kow-tow to his/her
> personal notions, the hippy-dippy wonder bunny who has fried a few too
> many brain cells will be there, as will the one with the permanent kink
> in his/her colon, the burr under his/her saddle, the dumber than a
> bucket of hair person, etc. If you leave it to your public officials
> whom the few who vote elected, you get the same mix. Life, what a pain
> in the butt.

I love the theorem.  It's the best statement of what I have heard many
people try to say, many times, in many neighborhoods.

In the interest of the advancement of science, I point out that your
theorem must always be considered in association with a corollary to
Gresham's Law.  The original Gresham's Law is "Bad money drives out good
money."  The corollary of which I speak is that "Nut cases drive out
everyone else at public functions."  Ordinary, good-hearted people just
don't have the stamina of any of the standard types assigned to
neighborhoods by the cosmic forces.

Steve Cross
East River Road

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