On Wed, 2002-08-21 at 22:43, j c harmon wrote:
> I think most would agree Minnesota drivers are the pits. Red lights = 
> accellerate at all costs; green lights, you break out a lunch.

One thing I do have to say about Minneapolis drivers is that they aren't
nearly as bad as some in the 'burbs.

I saw this morning on my *short* commute (3mi or so) to Foley Park and
* Inattentive driver at stop sign, 15 cars waited behind him/her to
figure out to go.
* Person takes a right turn at a light and then a U turn just feet later
because the left turn lane wasn't green and had people waiting in it.
* Person turning left out of a non-left-turn lane.
* Person turning into busway (theres a short bus lane around Foley park
and ride and a entrance onto 610) and most likely took the bus-only 610

Red light running sucks, but this was like a total ignorance for all
laws this morning.  I was surprised.  And I'm the one with high
insurance rates. (being under 25 sucks.)

In any case, the Minneapolis drivers I've encountered have some sense as
to actual rules of the road and are a bit agressive at lights.

Scott Dier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> http://www.ringworld.org/

Coon Rapids, Home
UMN, east bank, Work

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