
I think it is unfair and untrue to say that Micheal Atherton fails to
assign any of the blame for failing urban schools on parents, 
neighborhoods, and urban students.

I agree with Micheal Atherton that standardized test scores measure,
however imperfectly, the quality of instruction.  

I think you have to give a school most of the credit when 95% of its 
students show more than one years growth in math and reading for 
every full year they are enrolled, and where 95% of the 8th graders 
pass the Minnesota Basic Standards tests on the first try.  

And I think you have to assign most of the blame to a school system
where half of the kids show less than one-half years growth in math and 
for each full year they are enrolled, and where only about 40% of the 8th 
pass one or both of the Minnesota Basic Standards exams in math and reading.
However, I don't agree with Micheal Atherton's diagnosis and treatment plan 
for the Minneapolis Public Schools.  I don't think the problem is the liberal
levelers (who are not in charge of the Minneapolis Public Schools, by the 
The liberal policies that have been tossed aside in urban centers with large
or rapidly growing minority populations during the past 20 years actually 
worked pretty well, if your idea of a school policy that works well is one 
that reduces the test score gap in math and reading without holding back 
the high achievers.

To me, Micheal Atherton's diagnosis and treatment plan looks quite similar 
to that of the current administration of the Minneapolis.  Atherton and the
current board say that urban kids need a different kind of education than
suburban kids because of their home and neighborhood environments. 
The Board is for ability-grouping, Atherton is for 'true ability-grouping,'
Atherton and the board say they can improve students achievement with
parent involvement programs.  Atherton and Shapiro also dismiss the idea
that teaching experience has much (if anything) to do with instructional

The reason that the Strib and the MPS administration don't like Micheal
Atherton is that he fails to notice the emperor's new clothes, I mean the
'progress' that the district is making.  In that respect Micheal Atherton
is making a positive and necessary contribution to the discussion.

-Doug Mann, King Field, the new 8th ward
Mann for School Board Committee
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