Gary Hoover:
“The second (non-pollution-related) negative
health impact is actually more social. I noticed
that when I was doing daycare and built the
"alleycart" -- a homebuilt pushcart to take small
children to the Parks and back, that we had
wonderful interactions in the neighborhood.
People we would have passed by anonymously in a
car were now truly our neighbors. We talked, they
listened to the kids laugh, cry, sing, and call
out as we passed by. “

Good point, Gary.  I think it is funny and ironic
that we discuss all these other social ills that,
at bottom, have urban design as a first cause,
yet we never consider in our study of
transportation issues whether our choices make
this WORSE!  We forget how life ties all these
issues together and a wrong move on one side
leads to unforeseen costs elsewhere.

Gary again:
“Even now as I ride a cargo trike through south
Minneapolis, I stop to say hello to elderly
people who smile and wave, to children, and even
to other middle-aged folks like myself. As more
people engage in active transportation within
neighborhoods, we build community and human
connection, which is also very important to human

Quite apart from the gratification, Gary, I find
alternative transportation modes pretty much
REQUIRE me to interact more.  This then binds me
into my neighborhood as a byproduct, without all
the intentional methods that people sometimes shy
away from.

“Congestion Tax: we need to explore this
disincentive for driving in congestion. You can
access information on it at the BBC -- apparently
it has worked well in Singapore(?), and London is
setting up a program. Think of it as behavioral
modification with the benefit of raising revenue
to fund the transformation to a more active,
healthier urban environment for us and our kids.”

I don’t consider it “behavior modification”.  I
consider it taking externalities and returning to
those who originate them.   The same thing as the
excess fees paid by people who create excessive
solid waste.  Minneapolis makes  your garbage fee
depend on the size of your cart and how many
carts you have. Same idea as the congestion tax.

Wallace Swan, Board of Estimate and Taxation:
“You may remember that several years ago, I
warned the city about the need to have a plan to
reduce our debt--and this plan is one of the
consequences of the need to address those
problems. But at the same time, because of the
shift of the money mentioned above, we were able
to ensure that the limits upon the Library Board
and Park Boards operating budgets lessen the
negative impact upon the children and adults of
the city. “

Not much to say except too many business people
with their hands out and too many tractable
people on the City Council.  Those tractable
people are gone, but the hangover lingers.

Robert Schmid:
“I know I'm going from the specific to the
general again, but I just realized that this
argument is not very valid. I've worked in and
around some very large companies and, frankly,
they run exactly the same way. “

Yeh, Victoria Heller is recyling popular
mythology.  She should watch the “No Shame”
segment on Wall Street Week with Fortune where
they constantly highlight cases of being paid
huge sums for LOSING money.  What was the $2
million golden handshake to Dennis Evans by the
First Bank System board for Victoria?  He had
made a bond play that lost $300 million.  Is that
what you call “results”?

"WM: Where to start. Catholicism, as practiced in

the US is "fundamentalist," as are all the
Christian religions, in the sense that 
they proseletize for their viewpoint every chance

they get--and make chances when there is a lull
in the proseletyzing"

By that standard, Quakerism is not

Heather Martens:
"MPS policy continues to require Kindergarteners
to use computers, to learn things like 
"pre-research skills" and "how information is
organized." Is this time well spent for five-
year-olds, most of whom are still learning
letter-sound connections and how to count?"

I'd say that I don't consider it as such.  At
least not when all other valid educational goals
are being met.

Jim Mork (Cooper)

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