Eva Young wrote:

> At 01:52 PM 9/17/02 -0500, WizardMarks wrote:
>> Eva Young wrote:
>>> From what I understand, Peter McLaughlin is quite angry that Felien 
>>> dares to run against him.  It goes against the Divine Right of Peter 
>>> McLaughlin doctrine.
>> WM: This doesn't even make sense. A politician loves an opponent like 
>> Felien, it's less work. Felien knows, if no one else does, that it 
>> was a no contest between him and McLaughlin. The unfortunate part is 
>> that it doesn't test the mettle of the incumbent and I do like a 
>> debate on the issues..
> Well I heard from Mark Stenglein that Peter McLaughlin was rattled by 
> Felien's campaign.  I think part of what he's frustrated by, is Felien 
> is putting out the "Challenger" newsletter. 

WM: Mark Stenglein is not a good source for information about either 
McLaughlin or Felien. This is baloney on its face.

>> This is pure slander in the interest of the writer and perhaps in the 
>> interest of her political party, the GOP. Peter McLaughlin has done a 
>> pretty good job as commissioner.
> Why do I hear complaints about Peter McLaughlin regularly from most of 
> the people I know in his district? 

WM: Two reasons--you don't know that many people in his district. 
Complainers seek you out because they know you'll listen to any negative 
things they have to say.

>>> McLaughlin also is a big booster of Urban Ventures Colin Powell 
>>> Youth Center in the Central neighborhood -- something a number of 
>>> Central Neighborhood residents weren't fond of.  Peter brags about 
>>> (on his website) getting the county to give Urban Ventures a 
>>> $500,000 loan.
>>> UV is clearly a fundementalist organization (not like Lutheran 
>>> Social Services or Catholic Charities which truly do lots of good in 
>>> the city).  In my opinion UV Leadership -- Art Erickson and Ralph 
>>> Bruins -- have a history of anti-gay activity in the Central 
>>> neighborhood.
>>> They were also involved with the Motel Central scheme along with 
>>> Basim Sabri.  (That was the scheme that ultimately brought Brian 
>>> Herron down).
>> WM: Where to start. Catholicism, as practiced in the US is 
>> "fundamentalist," as are all the Christian religions, in the sense 
>> that they proseletize for their viewpoint every chance they get--and 
>> make chances when there is a lull in the proseletyzing. They use it 
>> for political purposes (a woman's right to choose, equal rights for 
>> women, both adamently opposed by Christian churches). As a cradle 
>> Catholic, I have a bead on what my bunch have been and are doing, but 
>> the Prostetants don't seem to be doing any differently in the area of 
>> "missionary" work.
> Ok, this is an example of what I mean:
> The Urban Ventures "Leadership Development" Ministry
> http://www.heartlandsynod.org/PIPpages/Urban.html
> The goal of Leadership Development is to develop students who by their 
> senior year in high school are so committed to Jesus Christ that they 
> can survive and thrive in any environment.
> .... Many are targeted by the Leadership Development staff for Bible 
> study and discipleship, Scripture memory, mentoring, leadership 
> development, retreats, summer camping and community service.

WM: Meaning what? This is no different from the programs of many another 
church. They're pushing Christianity, it should come as no surprise that 
a Christian church would push their main reason for being in business. 
It doesn't prove squat. Further, what is it about this that could be 
offensive? There is an assumption that these folks are teaching some 
nefarious stuff, but I'd be willing to bet they're teaching pretty 
standard Christian dogma. Park Av. Methodist does the same in their 
programs. So do all the other churches. Try are week or two at Catholic 
Youth League or Luther League and get their version of the same old same 

> ===============================
> Now excuse me, but I thought that the Dems -- folks like Peter 
> McLaughlin -- were opposed to Bush's "Faith Based Initiatives".  If 
> that's the case, why does McLaughlin want county money going to an 
> organization like this?  What happens with kids who come from 
> different religions than the one espoused by Art and Ralph? 

WM: Whether or not the Dems approve of faith based initiatives, they're 
still here. We'll find out about other religions when they put forward 
programs and ask for funding. If they're coming to a Christian church 
and expecting good grounding in zen budhism or any other religion, their 
compasses are off.

>> All the hoo-hah about Urban Ventures is based on 
>> personalities--Erickson and Bruins personalities and the 
>> personalities of those who oppose the Powell Center. Erickson doesn't 
>> thrill me either, but a place that's willing to address some of the 
>> needs of the kids around here, now that's a plus. Parents get to 
>> choose to send their children there or not as their consciences dictate.
>> Erickson's alleged homophobia is based entirely on a pamphlet or 
>> flier that no one has been able to produce during the last ten years.
> The newsletter was included in the board packet for an NRP Central 
> steering committee (both Walt Gutzmer, and Jennifer Gahnstrom were on 
> that committee).  The meeting notes were sent out by Urban Ventures -- 
> and Gutzmer -- the specified "gay rep" was the only one to get the 
> newsletter which included a moving article about how gays should 
> repent and become straight.  I've talked with others, besides Gutzmer 
> who have contemporaneous recollection of this one. 

WM: A "contemporaneous recollection" and $3.50 will get you coffee at 
Starbucks or some place similar. There was mass hysteria about what Walt 
allegedly got in his board packet. It could be true, but it doesn't 
necessarily mean that Art sent it. I very much doubt that Art has ever 
stuffed envelopes in his life. IF the pamphlet was sent, then it could 
very well be someone in the office who sent it. Just because some jerk 
sends one person a pamphlet does not mean that the who operation is out 
to get us GLBT people. What's more, it's the same thing being preached 
from Christian pulpits all over this country. Christian churches, in 
general, are homophobic. The only ones who have set out to sell a 
different version of Christianity are the Metropolitan Community 
Churches started by Troy Perry--and they're selling United Church of 
Christ dogma with a GLBT twist. Spirit of the Lakes, an offshoot of 
MCC's All God's Children Church is peddling something quasi New Age AND 
United Church of Christ.

>> The "hotel scheme" wasn't insidious. It was developers wanting to put 
>> a hotel where some folks thought one should not go.
> An overwhelming number of folks didn't want the Motel.....  Speaking 
> of the Motel and where it was planned for -- has anyone driven by that 
> block and looked at Sabri's developments over there -- they really are 
> about that tackiest things I've seen in a long time. 

WM: Which means what, exactly? They're tacky. Big deal. This is a dead 
horse. There is no motel. You won, Eva, have the sense to be a gracious 

>> The anti-hotel folks won. Whether Erickson had an interest in the 
>> hotel or not is beside the issue sine there ain't no hotel on Second 
>> Av. between Lake and 31st. and now no possibility of building one 
>> since Sabri filled the seven lots with store fronts.
> Yup, very tacky and poorly made store fronts -- not alot invested 
> there, so Sabri would have no problem tearing down the storefronts 
> could he get more land on that block and get the zoning variance for 
> the Motel. 

WM: If wishes were horses, beggars would ride.

>> I'm sure McLaughlin will give us all the particulars of why we should 
>> reelect him. Argue the issues, not the rumors.
> Well why doesn't he then?   Eddie Felien posts on Minneapolis Issues 
> and is willing to put himself through the scrutiny here.  Peter 
> McLaughlin seems to avoid this list like the plague. 

WM: This is your hobby horse, Eva. Most of the politicians do not post 
to this list. This list is not the debate forum for politicians. This is 
a debate forum for its members. It does not supplant the system in place 
and should not.

WizardMarks, Central


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